
Good friday Children's sermon


Theme : The Self-Giving Love of God

Bible Reading : Mark 15: 22-41


What is Love ? What is Self --Giving Love ? What is the difference between the two expressions of love ?

  1. General expressions of Love in the world
  • Love between people ( conditional)

  • Love for things

  • Love for ideologies/ philosophies ( a thought/ idea)

  1. Understanding God's Love
  • It is not conditional

  • It is not based on material things

  • It is not a idea / philosophy

  1. Why is the cross a symbol of God's love ?
  • Because Jesus Chose to Die in our place ( as the Lamb of God) on the cross
  1. Why was the cross used to punish people ?
  • It was an instrument of capital punishment ( death sentence)

  • It was used by the Roman Empire to punish anyone breaking the Roman law

  • It was the most cruel form of death

  1. The Disciple Mark recorded the crucifixion in Mark 15: 22-41
  • Mark was not one of the 12 disciples of Jesus , he was a first generation Greek Christian

  • 12 disciples ( Luke 6:13)

  • Mark was the first follower of Jesus to record the life and ministry of Jesus Christ

  • 50 % of Mark's Gospel is about the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

  1. Mark's Narration of the Crucifixion
  • Simon of Cyrene ( a Greek region) was asked to carry the cross for Jesus, he was a Greek

  • Golgotha was a common place for crucifixion

  • The sign on the Cross was put as ' King of the Jews' to mock Jesus

  • Jesus was crucified in-between two thieves

  • Passerby's mocked him ( cross was not on a far away hill, as the crucifixion was meant to be a humiliation by the people passing by)

  • Jesus was mocked and humiliated on the cross


  1. Jesus bore all the pain, suffering and humiliation because he was dying for the sins of world

  2. Jesus was dying in place of all humanity as the sacrificial lamb

  3. Jesus was not sinful, but he took our sin on himself.


  1. Jesus bore all the pain, suffering and humiliation because he was dying for the sins of world

  2. Jesus was dying in place of all humanity as the sacrificial lamb

  3. Jesus was not sinful, but he took our sin on himself.